Social Responsibility
As a consequence of his policy of pursuing business sustainably, Haydar Çolakoğlu supports a variety of efforts in areas involving social responsibility issues. Both personally and in the capacity of his duties as both the founder of and a boardmember for various companies, Haydar Çolakoğlu approaches corporate social responsibility with an awareness of the importance which the social values that emerge through social-responsibility interactivity have for the future of our country.
Haydar Çolakoğlu receives Kızılay service award
Successful names from many different sectors whose charitable donations support the activities of the Turkish Red Crescent came together at a “Great Hearts Assemble” gala evening. During a ceremony attended by Haydar Çolakoğlu among numerous businesspeople, artists, journalists, NGO representatives, and private individuals, 126 Türk Kızılayı donors received gold medals from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and members of his cabinet.
Contributing to education
Çolakoğlu Metalurji, of which Haydar Çolakoğlu serves as the deputy chairman, backs up its belief in the value of a well-trained workforce through charitable investments that focus on education. Among the education projects to which the company has contributed in order to create added value for the country are the Çolakoğlu Anadolu Occupational Girls’ Lycee in Gebze, the Çolakoğlu Primary School in Dilovası, the Mehmet Rüştü Çolakoğlu Men’s Dormitory at İstanbul Technical University in İstanbul, and the Faculty of Architecture Research, Design, Planning, and Application Center at Middle East Technical University in Ankara.